Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Inevitable Best and Worst List of 2024 - Part II

Let's carry on with Part II of my year in review. Now we get on to favorite writers, mini-series, events and favorite series and whatevers.

Favorite Writer of 2024
Bryan Hill (Blade, Blade: Red Band, Ultimate Black Panther) - I can't put my finger on it, but I think it's because I didn't expect to enjoy these Blade series as much as I did and that is a tribute to the writing. Truthfully, what do we REALLY know about Blade outside of his movies. He's a blank canvas for anyone to write on and I'm glad he's getting a little more love this year. Yes, he was also involved in that Bloodhunt Event you'll hear me mention below, but Bryan Hill wasn't writing that. The most important piece of work this year though, is his Ultimate Black Panther run. I railed in the past about who I think I should write the character, but with this book he has changed my mind. With the Ultimate Universe, it allows him to be free and not be constrained by 40 years of continuity. It's made the character feel fresh and all the interactions around him. Finally, I have a Black Panther comic I don't hate read.

Honorable Mention: Daniel Warren Johnson (Transformers), Rainbow Rowell (She-Hulk)

Pleasant Surprise of 2024
All GI Joe Books in the Energon Universe - Image has put out mini series for Duke, Scarlett, Cobra Commander and Destro. I ate them all up. Historically, I have hated GI Joe. As a kid, I grew up in a military family, so I didn't want anything to do with anything involving the military. In the year of our lord, 2024 I've finally embraced GI Joe. These books have been legitimately good and I'm glad I didn't come to them with any pre-conceived notions.

Worst Event of 2024
Bloodhunt (Marvel) - This event encapsulates just about everything I hate about events in comic books. The premise here is that Blade has turned full vampire and has lead a bunch of vampires in a plot to take over the world and feed on everyone. The sudden heel turn by Blade is sudden, but I go along with it because initially it's interesting. I've also been reading comic books long enough to know that they are going to find a way to undo this so that there is no lasting impact. Spoilier alert: Blade was being controlled by a vampire spirit. So now that one interesting hook you have is gone. There's nothing I hate more that a person was evil because they were controlled by something instead of just being straight up evil.

Favorite Mini-series of 2024
Batman and Robin Year One (DC) - Mark Waid and Chris Samnee! There's nothing I like more than a good, modern day tale of Batman and Robin (Dick Grayson) and this book scratches that itch. It's not finished yet, but it's already a lot of fun. Mark Waid knows DC history inside and out and can seemingly write any character he desires. Chris Samnee is one of this industry's best and it's good to see him working back in one of the big two. Highly recommend this story that talks about the early days of their partnership.

Honorable Mentions: The Boy Wonder (DC), Wolverine: Revenge

Favorite New Series of 2024
The Spectacular Spider-Men (Marvel) - I leaned with this book over Ultimate Black Panther because I don't think we've really had a consistent team up book with Peter Parker and Miles Morales. It's an idea that is so simple, I'm surprised they didn't do it sooner. For all the railing I do about Miles Morales (again, I have a post coming in a few weeks about that), I love how he is here. Having him bounce of his mentor has been great and it really does a good job showing the contrast between them. This book and the Spider-Man games on PS4/PS5 are the BEST portrayals of Miles (outside of the Beyond the Spider-verse) movies and it says a lot that the one place they aren't getting him right is where he originated, the comic books. This series has been a lot of fun and their interplay as they take on villains is a delight. 

Honorable Mentions: Ultimate Black Panther (Marvel)

Favorite Graphic Novel of 2024
Man, I didn't even read any to justify this category this year. Better luck next year.

Honorable Mentions: N/A

Worst Series/Mini-Series of 2024
Green Lantern War Journal (DC) - I think this book broke me. I love John Stewart and I'm glad to have a book with him again. But the subpar art and boring pace of this writing tested me. Although I didn't like it after my three issue rule, I stuck with it in hopes it would get better. It didn't and I hung on for way too long. This book tried to have it's toes in keeping GL on Earth and having space adventures. I feel like to have an effective GL comic, you need to have one arc on Earth another in space. Technically, they police a certain sector of the galaxy, so it can be done. This book just didn't and John Stewart keeps getting saddled with bad books, so he can never sustain a regular series. DC will trot this character out when it's black history month and then do nothing with him the rest of the year.

Honorable Mentions: X-Factor (Marvel)

Favorite Series of 2024
Transformers (Image) - Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would pick a Transformers book as a book of the year, but here we are. The reason I picked this book is because it changes things about the Transformers origins that my generation experienced in the early 80's. The action is kinetic, full of wrestling moves and laser blasts. The Decepticons are truly evil and Optimus Prime is always trying to do his best to do good, even more so at the detriment of his team. There is a lot of crazy stuff that is happening in this series. Megatron is missing (read GI Joe comics for that), Optimus Prime has Megatron's gun arm and other crazy stuff. This series is wild and has me on the edge of my seat with each issue. I cannot recommend this enough to my fellow 40-somethings. 

Honorable Mentions:  Fantastic Four (Marvel), Void Rivals (Image)

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