Monday, September 13, 2021

Hulu's M.O.D.O.K.

Once again, life has gotten in the way and I have yet to give my thoughts on this show, which I finished months ago.

I will summarize this show. It is show created by Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt. It also starts Patton Oswalt as the titular character. 

Think of it as being in the same vein as Robot Chicken. If you're not familiar with THAT show, then think stop motion animation. 

It is ten episodes long and at 30 minutes an episode, digestible enough to make it east to binge in a short amount of time.  

My feelings on it? I liked it, but did not love it. It is  funny given it's tone and the genius of Oswalt's voice acting. They do assemble a pretty good voice cast around him and it is fun to watch the shenanigans of a super villain and his villainous empire or lack thereof. 

There are definitely a good amount of funny gags, but at ten episodes, not everything is going to be a winner. I mentioned before how you could binge it, but I found myself only being able to do two at a time at most. Still, I didn't find this show completely exhausting. It is weird that this show didn't get a lot of advertisement from Marvel or Hulu. It just kind of appeared. In that way, I don't think this show got a fair shake. 

If you're a Marvel fan, it is definitely worth your time. There are some deep cut jokes to be found here. Sometimes they will take the piss out of some of the Marvel Heroes. Modok is such a ridiculous character, it is best he is played for laughs like he is here. The show at least recognizes that and tries to humanize him a little bit.

I would say it is worth checking it out as a palette cleanser to something else you are watching.

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