Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's the small things...

I should have wrote about this sooner, but I saw something in a comic that I really enjoyed and it's such a small, innocuous thing.

I was reading "Ultimate End" #1 from Marvel comics a few weeks ago. Marvel has a big event where they are smashing together the regular (616 as it is affectionately called) universe as we fans have known it for fifty plus years into the "Ultimate" universe, which was a re-imagining of the universe for the modern era. So right now there is a mish-mash of comic characters mingling with each other. Some of the characters are so similar, it's hard to tell which universe they belonged to.

Then I noticed it. The font of the speech bubbles for the regular Marvel characters used bold, all caps font. The Ultimate characters used a more subdued font that uses proper case in the lettering. I thought this was such a cool little thing, that when I noticed it, I was surprised. At first I thought, "No way are they that clever.". Then again, it could ONLY be a deliberate choice. That made me appreciate it all the more. Such a small touch that was used so effectively. Now you can tell all the characters apart.

Lettering is like an offensive line in Football. You only notice them when they do poorly. If they're doing good, you don't notice them at all. In this case, I just thought it was a cool use.

What did I think of the rest of the issue? Who cares, it was kind of a mess. But the LETTERING, man! Let's focus on the important things in life, huh?

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